The popularity of the sectional sofa started in the mid century. The Chicago Daily Tribune described the sectional sofas to be flexible. The grouping principle by Rohde in 1936 became the acclaimed feature of sectional sofas. It started in combining armless chairs with a corner chair, creating the L-shaped sectional. The corner-friendly aspect of custom sectional sofas became its major edge in the industry.
The growing demand for sectional sofas led to the creation of different styles. New shapes and section categories also developed. Skylar's Home and Patio provide you with a lot of options to choose from. As the number one custom sectional furniture retailer, we offer quality sofas. We offer different colors, styles, materials, and shapes that will peak your interest.
Why Choose a Custom Sectional Sofa for Your Home?
Sectional sofas are typically two sets of sofas grouped. This feature gives your sectional the ability to be used in different areas. You can place one part of the sofa in the living room and the other in other rooms. Having the ability to be put together or be separated, is set versatile and appealing to many. Buying sectional sofas is cheaper than buying two sets of ordinary sofas. You can also change the position of the sofas depending on your space. The broad size and structural shape of sectional sofas can act as a divider, especially when it is placed in a large space.
Custom sectional sofas give you a lot of options depending on your preference. This helps you pick the most complimentary furniture for your space while creating an aesthetically pleasing vibe. Sometimes, we find the perfect size and shape of sofas. But, it is not the ideal color or material. You might want a leather material instead of linen or polyester sofas. At Skylar’s, you can choose different fabric colors or pick your preferred sectional position. You can also choose the wood finish of the sofa foot to compliment your space design and vibe.
Custom Sectional Sofas in Different Shapes Available at Skylar's Home and Patio
Sectional sofas create a modern and formal vibe at the same time, offering a relaxed ambiance. You can let your guests sit or even sleep on these sofas comfortably. Skylar's Home and Patio offers a wide range of high-quality custom sectional sofas in different designs and shapes.
The most common shape, the L-shaped sectional, is two sofas merged. This Sandra Sectional is perfect for wall corners. Aside from its elegance, it also offers high functionality. You can place the other piece of sofa anywhere to your liking.
The U-shaped design is shaped like the alphabet U- as the name suggests. This is perfect if you have a huge space to cover. It can be used in offices or large houses that cater to a lot of people. Designed for comfort, the Denali U-shaped offers a deep-sitting feature that makes you want to stay on the sofa.
This curved-shaped sectional gives off a natural and refreshing vibe. It is typically for the large number of people who love to talk and have fun together. This Ratana is perfect for the outdoors to cater to your guests and provides a closer feeling to the people sitting on the sofa.
Pick Your Dream Custom Sectional Sofa Only Here at Skylar's Home and Patio
Get your dream sectional sofa for your space and customize it to your liking. Some furniture stores in San Diego have insufficient options limiting your dreams to come true. Visit our showroom in Carlsbad, or you can look at our custom sectional sofas online.
We are known as San Diego's #1 custom sectional retailer, and it is our responsibility to offer you a variety of options and customs to match your ideal sectional sofas. You can purchase in-store or buy online, so call our team at (760) 729-3100 for more details.